03/01/2014 17:31


                                                Blackson Makhumba B

There are many scientific statements and facts  accurately mentioned in the Bible which also disprove most ancient scientists and philosophers.  Such passages show that there is no conflict between the Bible and modern science.In fact, true science recognizethe facts of the Bible. Here are just few of such facts.

I THE ORIGINAL OF CREATION: Genesis 1; 1 puts limit to the time for which the universe has existed. Modern scientific discoveries have revealed that the universe has finite age, as does Genesis1:1


IICREATION OF THE EARTH: Genesis 1; 2 says that in the beginning the earth was without form and void. Dr. EP. Hubble’s discoveries have revealed that stellar bodies without form and void which are dark do exist. This confirms the accuracy of the verse

III .LIGHT AND DARKNESS: Careful reading o Genesis 1; 46-59 will reveal that both the light and darkness are present at the same time on the earth’s surface. Copernicus discovered 1543 AD, that light for the earth. Moses wrote around 1500 years BC, but his science turns to be accurate.

IV. THE FIRMMAMENT: Many radical thinkers have interpreted the word firmament in Genesis 1; 6 and 14 as solid hemisphere. However, the Hebrew word used here is RAQUIA- ‘expanse or atmosphere’. Many Theologians and scientists have postulated the hypothesis that the presence of canopy that surrounds the earth collapsed at the time of Noah.


V. CONSERVATION OF MASS: Both Genesis 2; 1-2 and Hebrews 4; 3b make it clear that God ceased the creation of material universe on the seventh day. Law of Conversation of mass states that matter may be changed but it cannot be created or destroyed. Since God has already finished His creative work, no more creation of matter can take place. Evolutionists, using “steady-state theory” to propose that new matter is being created continuously to maintain a balanced and stable universe. However, all the observation of Physics and Astronomy point to the veracity of the Biblical statements that no creation is going in the universe.

VI. CONSERVATION OF AGRICULTURE: Just like it is said in Exodus 23; 10-11, today everyone knows that the best way of conserving the land is to leave it uncultivated for at least seven years. This is in line with the above verses.


VII. WASHING FOR HYGINIE: The Old Testament makes washing for personal hygiene compulsory    (Exodus 29; 4, Lev. 14; 8). This fact was not clear to doctors before the modern era. Dr. S.I. Mc Milan says that even during most of the 19th centuries medical surgeons did not know the importance of washing before operations. However, today a doctor has to wash up to his elbows for ten to fifteen minutes, put on gloves and other protective gears even for a minor operation. One wonders at the detailed instructions given 3000 years ago in the Bible.


VII. CLEAN WATER: Man learned only in the 20th centuries that unclean water spread diseases like cholera, jaundice ringworm etc. however, the book of Leviticus 11; 29-30 written some 3000 years ago has detailed description of clean/unclean water. It also outlines procedures to identify clean water. This is science at its best.


IX. FIT AND UNFIT ANIMALS TO EAT:  Leviticus 11 is a summary of permitted and forbidden meat to eat. Israelites were to eat only the animals that chew the cud and have divided hoof. It is clear now that the unclean animals were often parasite carriers. Today, we know that birds, fishes, insects and animals allowed for consumption are medically the safety and best for food. The Bible is not in conflict with the science.


X. QUARANTINE FOR COMMUNICABLE DISEASES: Quarantine is a well –proven preventive measure for the spread of communicable diseases. Quarantine of contagious diseases was first established in Israel 3000 years ago (Leviticus 13; 45) before discovery by modern scientists.


XI. RUNNING ISSUES’ FROM THE BODY: Any qualified doctor will testify to the effectiveness and medical worth of Biblical laws of isolation for running issues and other communicable disease (Leviticus 15).


XII. LIFE IN THE BLOOD: The Biblical fact that life of the flesh is in the blood (Leviticus 17; 11) was discovered only as late as 1616 AD by William Harvey.


XIII. THE HEMISPHERE AND THE STARS: The Bible mentions that God has divided stars unto all nations under the earth, according to Deuteronomy 4; 19. Man only discovered recently that stars visible in the northern hemisphere are different from those seen in the southern hemisphere. The Bible wrote some 3500 years ago.


XIV. CONSERVATION: The Bible speak against indiscriminate hunting (Deut.22; 6) which has caused the extinction of thousands of animal species. For example, mother bird was to be left free to keep the bird population in equilibrium in bird hunting. Today, World Wild Life and other organization campaign vigorously for wild life conservation.


XV. SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Deuteronomy 23; 13 speaks of the need for sewage or faces disposal. However, even in the twentieth century people were still ignorant of the need for such. In those places where people do not dispose off human waste more people suffer from communicable diseases.


XVI. BUBONIC PLAGUE: 1 Samuel 5 and 6 has detailed account of bubonic plague which is caused by infections such as plague such as plague, sexually transmitted infections etc. science has only discovered recently that bubonic plague is carried by rats.


XVII. THE VALUE OF PI: 1 Kings 7; 23-24, 24 gives the idea that the value of pi (ratio of radius to circumference of any circle) is the 3-figure-value of 3.14 as used in modern day. This is against the Egyptian value of 3.16 and Babylonian value of 3.125. Thus the Biblical mathematics was much more accurate in this matter.


XVIII. METALLURGY: Several metallurgical processes are mentioned in the Bible (Job 28; 1-2).


XIX. THE EARTH’S INTERIOR: Job seems to identify the molten core of earth (1700BC) as it was fire (Job 28; 56).


XX. HABITS OF OSTRICH: Job 39; 13-18 has detailed description of some habits of an Ostrich’s life history, nesting, care for her young, intelligence and speed. For example, Ostrich has a speed that can surpass that of a car. Job also omits any fable that Ostrich bury its head in the sand when faced by storms.


XXI. THE ENTROPY: Psalms 102; 25-27 speaks against the theory of “steady-state” that states that the universe is eternal. Psalmists state that matter is not eternal. The universe is running down every day.  After sometime, through this irreversible process, the universe will die like rags.


XXII. EMBRYO: Psalms 139; 13-16, written several thousand years ago, is accurately describes the process of embryonic growth as in the theory of Epigenesist used today. This is in contrast to the view of pre-formation theory that taught that human reproductive cells carry tiny replicas of human. Modern Biology has confirmed that reproductive cells have chemical compound known as DNA necessary for formation of human being.


XXIII. THE ANT: Entomologists in Palestine have discovered ants that harvest, store and care seeds for food. Modern zoologists confirm that bees and ants are chief among such social insects. Proverbs 6:6-8 first records of such insects.


XXIV. BIRD MIGRATION: Jeremiah wrote some thousand years ago about the amazing migrating birds which know seasons, but not people of God. Modern scientists are unable to even explain this amazing behavior of birds.


XXV. WIND CYCLE: Ecclesiastes 1:7 accurately states that the wind continuously runs according to its circuit just as science states.


XXVI RAIN CYCLE: Both Job 36:27-30 and Ecclesiastes 1:7 describe the rain cycle in an exactly way modern meteorology and hydrology describe.


XXVII. CHEMICAL REACTION: Solomon uses the idea of chemical reaction from mixture of soda and acid being similar to troublemaking (Prov. 25:20).


XXVIII. SPHERICITY OF THE ERATH: The Bible teaches that the Bible is circular, not flat in shape (Isaiah 40:22) Jesus also gives the same idea of circular of the earth in speaking about His coming (Lk. 17:34).


XXIX. MATTER AND ENERGY: Hebrews 11:3 mentions of the material universe made of unapparent entities. We all know today that all matter is ultimately invisible energy.


Examination Of Some Biblical Passages

I. Genesis 1:14 indicates that stars is for determining information about seasons and time. The 48 constellation of stars were recognized as early as 2700 BC, and occupy different positions in the hemisphere during different seasons. They provide the best calendar of seasons and events even today.

II. Genesis 1:16 says that the sun is greater the moon. Ancient astronomers believed that the moon was bigger and at a more distant than the sun. The Bible indicates that the sun is bigger, but not greatest light.


III. Job 22:12 speaks of great distant stars of which even the modern man had no proper perspective. The nearest star, Proxima Centaun is 154.262 light years from us while the farthest, Quasars or the quasi-stellar is estimated at 5 billion light years. In contrary to the secular belief of his time, Job says that stars are just too far away from us.


IV. Job 26:7 says that God rests the earth on nothing. In those days people believed the earth was flat and rested on something. In 300 BC, philosophers realized that the earth is suspended unsupported in space.


V. Job 38:31 speaks of true star groups. Today, such star-groups can be seen by the aid of telescope which was only invented 3,500 years after Job. Yet job understood such groups.


VI. Jeremiah 10:2 says that heathens are dismayed by the sky. They interpret anything in the sky as a supernatural omen. Christians know that the universe is God’s creation, and they are not afraid of the natural phenomenon of heaven. Twentieth century science has proven the accuracy of the passage.


VII. Jeremiah 33:22-Most ancient astronomers had fixed numbers of the stars which ranged from 777 to 1,080 in total. Jeremiah recognized that there are countless stars as we all know today.


These are just the most few verses in the Bible that are in unity with modern science and that disprove some ancient philosophers.
